I successfully completed decorating for Christmas on Saturday with a new strategy- less is more. With all of the baby gear still out for Vivi (walker, bouncy chair, high seat, etc) we're feeling the squeeze.
This year I have a small (but beautiful) fir tree, pine cones and candles out, and all other decor has been limited to the walls.
Last night I hosted 7 kiddos 3 and under and this house was rockin! What a blessing to share life with my two dear friends. We are all in similar situations with the kids, which makes it great for us to bounce ideas off of each other. We all understand the abounding love and the difficult days!
Our Bible study (aka Community Group) has lots of little ones in it too. I'm hoping to host them for a birthday party for Jesus! I'd love to get the kiddos involved with a craft project, and serve this gorgeous rainbow cake- looks pretty fun for a party!
A few of you have asked how Maven has been doing lately. We're doing great and gearing up for the winter/spring classes! Right now I'm busy working on all the behind-the-scenes fun. I'm planning on giving some sneak peeks this week! Can't wait to share what I've been up to!
Any thoughts on what to get D for Christmas this year? The man usually buys what he wants and has begun asking for boring, grown-up gifts (aka socks). Santa will bring him some new socks, but really I've got to figure something else out too! Suggestions welcome!

Like many new moms, I have spent so much time nesting in the last few years, that the kiddo's nursery is pretty darn cute. They have a fun, cheerful room that's organized and easy to keep clean. I actually enjoy going in there to play- that's a win in my book!

My room, however, has become a dumping ground that has always gotten the least amount of my attention.
Time to turn those nesting instincts that are still lingering (yay!) towards D and I.
Because right now: Laundry+miscellaneous piles+absolutely no decorating=stressful master retreat

I'm hoping that putting this "out there" will hold me accountable.
Here's the to do list:
wide, horizontal beige stripes on the wall the bed is on like young house love rocked in their guest bath
art above the bed like joy's hope
diy headboard again from young house love
*buy a couple of box springs and frame to get the bed up off the floor- yep, you read that one correctly*
organize papers and storage- looking for some inspiration from this lovely lady Sarah

I already have tons of the supplies needed. Fingers crossed I'll make progress with my 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there each day!

The holidays are upon us. Hooray!
 Our calendars are packed with purposeful family moments here. I promise...as soon as I get around to getting them pulled together!
I almost can't bear looking at pinterest during this season- it's like a flashing neon sign reminding me that I don't have it all together. Between working a traditional 9-5, rolling my sleeves up here at maven, loving on a husband that works 3rd shift, potty training a toddler, and baby that I literally can't stop kissing...I have no time for the super duper crafts I keep eyeing.

I had 5 minutes to myself tonight. Instead of getting my craft on, I had a small cup of instant, flavored coffee and wrote out a list of baby girl names. I'm a list maker, planning for the future. The looooong ways away future. As in- no I have nothing to announce, nor am I ready to even want to announce anything, but I'm a planner at heart. A planner who feels compelled to have a boy name and a girl name in our back pocket- just in case.

What do you do in your 5 minutes here or 10 minutes there?
It's imperative to keep on keeping on and taking those little luxurious moments for ourselves.
Craft on all you crafty people out there...someday I'll join you!

I'm hoping to persuade Santa to drop a bracelet from this awesome organization into this girl's stocking.