One part of becoming a new mom I was not prepared for is the influx of photos in your life. Professional, SOC (that's straight out of the camera), online editing, and storage.

Once you have all of your lovely pics...what do you do with them?

I quickly learned that between the feedings, diaper changes, and random naps...I needed a system for photo management and stat!

Disclaimer: I am still tweaking the system. It's not perfect and it may not work for you, but it may get you to start thinking about what to do post-pregnancy. Enjoy!

Professional photos: Find someone who has a vision for fun photos and get some scheduled ASAP. I found a photographer in my childbirth class, scheduled a session with him post-baby, and am nothing but thrilled with the amazing pics he took of our new family. I found someone different for a family session after baby #2. The session was harried but the pics don't show it. Different person, different vision for photos, different vibe. Not bad, but different.

SOC: I'm a milestone photographer. That's not intentional, but after looking back at all of the kid's pics I see a trend. First avacado, first time looking in a mirror, first time watching fireworks. You see the trend? I have to make myself think- today would be a good day to just capture ::life::. I'm still a work in progress on this one.

Editing: I don't have the time or inclination to learn Photoshop. If you know it- congrats. For all of the rest of us there's
picmonkey. Strange name, super easy, great results. A little cropping doesn't hurt anyone.

Storage: I have three methods. I have a stairwell photo gallery for the professional photos, a yearly album (created online with Snapfish), and I'm currently looking into a online photo storage option. I have been using facebook to store images, but I'm not content with the site. Check out this
link for more thoughts on all things facebook.