I'm an early planner...always have been. So even though I might say for other shoppers to hear, "Can you believe they already have Christmas decorations out?"... I'm secretly sticking those decorations in my cart.

Pregnancy is a planners dream come true! So much preparation...you could literally start the day you see the two blue lines and continue right into delivery. The hard part is that even though we spend hours of prep- it's not always fruitful.

This high chair alternative is a failed plan on my part. I saw it on Urban Grace's beautiful blog.
The high chair clips onto tables, counters, etc. It is really handy! It is also really, really messy!!! There is a slot between the chair and the table that food ends up falling/being thrown through. Trust me with this one- I spent more time cleaning up and less time playing with my baby boy- even if he did look cute in it!

We used his bumbo chair with tray until I bought a booster seat with removable tray with success.
Santa is doing some early Christmas shopping for our little Vivi at blabla. The knit dolls are too cute for words!
Oh, and have a Happy (and safe) Halloween!
This morning, I'm working on half a cup of java.  And in case you're wondering- yes, my cup is half full. As a mama, it kind of has to be. We reap what we sow folks. I'm hoping to sow some kindness and patience today within our little family.

This week will be our first full week of maven posts to our new blog. Hooray! It's been a long time coming- you can't imagine how many posts I've "written" in my mind over the course of this past year.  You'll have to excuse me if any of them include the quotes from Thomas the Tank Engine or Caillou- we're just keeping it real here folks.

Welcome to maven.